My favorite type of sandwitch is a meat sandwitch. And how you make it is you put meet on then cheese on and thats how you make it.

i want to get better at many things espellily sports like soccer. so i have to pratice a lot to get better. but football on the other hand is really fun but hard because you have to learn to throw far and catch. so thats what i want to get better at.

My Favorite Kind of Nut

October 22, 2014

My favorite kind of nut is pecans because they are crunchy delecios. and whats funny is for a project thats thats what is in it. but i do like creamy penut butter.

What Kind of Science i Like?

October 20, 2014

My favorite kind of science is learning about animals and there habitats. My favorite kind of animal is the cheetah because they have amazing speed and there flexible back.